himalayan institute scandal

Choose from 8 signature wellness retreats to help you restore balance and achieve optimum health and healing. "Nirvana is one," Carolyn says she told him. Rather than being a saint, according to Green, Swami Rama is an advanced yogi and "a mortal with some ego problems.". Swami Rama made Carolyn his appointments secretary in August also. Those who build boundaries around themselves because of their ego problems create suffering for themselves." A rash of articles featuring Swami Rama appeared in national magazines, including Time, People, and Playboy. Before leaving, Megan says, she tried to confront Swami Rama publicly-but he went into seclusion, claiming illness. One evening she went out to dinner with Martha*, an old friend from East West Books Chicago. Dr. Ballentine says it is "presumptuous" to judge whether or not someone is perfected. He is also head of the Institute's Holistic Studies (formerly Eastern Studies) program and has written a number of scholarly books on yoga philosophy. It was years more before she felt she had the right to be angry at her spiritual family, the staff and residents of the Institute who, she says, denied the signs of abuse all around them. He cannot disbelieve his guru. Similarly, gurus in the Buddhist and Hindu traditions are supposed to be examples of self-mastery and right living. That was why he wanted her to be his secretary. I mean, he's giving you the teachings and you're going to use the teachings to evaluate him? By 1977, the Institute was able to purchase the Honesdale ashram, a former Catholic seminary in the rural Pocono Mountains, which now houses more than 100 residents and guests. According to the story Terry and Brian say Rose later told them, late one night Swami Rama tapped at the door of her room and then walked in on her. Swamis, he explains, are renunciates who take vows of abstinence which include giving up sex, wine, and red meat, as well as other stimulants to the physical senses. The women's fears have aborted projects intended to expose possible exploitation to a wider audience. Residents are expected to donate a large portion of their labor, and they must sacrifice personal freedoms and privacy. Carolyn,* an old friend, called me collect. In my interviews with current and former members of the Institute, I heard an almost unvarying litany of beliefs about Swami Rama's abilities. He warns against relying too heavily on the inner voice: "When we look for the guru within, we only end up finding our own samskaras-vagaries of the unconscious mind are mistaken for directions from the superconscious. Himalayan Institute | Honesdale PA He laughed, Megan says, and told her that the women didn't know what they were weeding. She was afraid to stay in her room, which had no lock on the door, or to use the hall telephone, because all calls had to be routed through the main switchboard. Those statements are on file with the cult Awareness network (formerly the citizen's Freedom Foundation) in New York. By this time Carolyn had gained 25 pounds from binging on sweets. Obedience to the guru's commands is implicitly expected of all long-term residents; former students describe him walking through the main dining room and ordering one person to move to the New York branch, another to change jobs. "This sudden animosity indicates that there is something fishy in the statement of this person. Up to that point I had felt like he was a guru, that he cared about me at least, but no, he was just using me.". Anyone can read what you share. Swami Rama has a reputation among his followers as an incredible psychologist who uses his insights to help others. He says that Swami Rama has been his guru since he was a child in India, and that he came to the U.S. at Swami Rama's request to head up the Honesdale ashram. She remembers that Swami Rama received love letters from several women; one of two of them even mentioned "your child." Our endeavors are distinguished by their living connection to an ancient wisdom tradition of the Himalayan Masters, expressed through a unique offering of online and in-person mission programs. She specializes in Myotherapy, Deep Tissue, Prenatal, Swedish Relaxation, Sports Therapy, and Hot Stone Massage. From her childhood Carolyn had been steeped in Catholic faith and educated in scientific skepticism; now it seemed the Institute could help her harmonize these two seemingly contradictory ways of perceiving the world. Together we ate superb vegetarian meals in the Institute's dining commons and chanted evening prayers. And that did not undermine Mahatma Gandhi's work!& No, this would not be shattering, certainly not. And there is a statement, 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.'" Later, many of the women broke out in head-to-toe swelling and rashes from what had in fact been poison ivy roots. They are crazy. But ultimately he chose to believe Swami Rama. She recalls that he would repeat a series of affirmations and commands in a hypnotic monotone: She had done very well organizing the book distribution operation, Carolyn says he would tell her. Swami Rama, whose legal name is Brij Keshore Kumar, was born in 1925 in Uttar Pradesh, according to his official biography, parts of which appeared in the March/April 1990 issue of Yoga Journal. Two women wrote statements, which said they had discovered that Swami Rama was attempting to "seduce" both of them contemporaneously. Initially, Brian says, most of the other directors responded with concern. To my relief, I could detect no flash of recognition, guilt, fear, or anger in Carolyn's eyes. The Himalayan Institute publishes over 60 titles on yoga, spirituality, and holistic health, including the best-selling Living with the Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama and Yoga: Mastering the Basics by Sandra Anderson and Rolf Sovik. Karen and George say their friends told them that the woman had been pressured to have sex with Swami Rama even after their marriage, which the guru had arranged. They resided in their own house in Honesdale, unencumbered by the strict rules of the residential program. Every time he saw her, she says, he told her she was "perfect," as if she had passed some important test. They know, usually without being told, that if they break the taboo of silence they will be blamed for destroying their spiritual families and the "higher" good those families purportedly do in the world. Residents staff the Institute's administration, bookstores, and other small businesses, including Himalayan Publishers and Distributors and an elementary school. She would start with handling the appointments and then she would make his plane reservations, scheduling lecture tours. Teaching since 1971, the Himalayan Institute offers a wide variety of wellness supplies. Discover our new online platform for community, courses, and content. According to Marston's attorney, Philip W. Getts, his client never recovered the $50,000 in punitive damages Nuernberger owed her, because Pennsylvania is one of the few states that does not allow the court to garnish wages. But Mr. Schneider told the jury that evidence indicated the relationship was consensual. Donate Help Our Cause US$20.00 In March 1978, she says, Swami Rama came to Glenview and initiated her. His devotees hovered near the ashram's entrance, hoping for final instructions or a blessing from the guru. She loved him like "a second father," she says, "and the real tragedy is that this is how our relationship ended. But Carolyn says she stifled her doubts about the guru, transforming them into doubts about her own selfishness: "Because I'd rationalized that he was teaching me a lesson, I believed he must be teaching other women the same lesson, and I shouldn't begrudge his attention to other students.". Cameroon Himalayan Institute Cameroon Cameroon is in the midst of conflict. Once there, Carolyn devoted herself to her yoga practices and threw herself into her assigned jobs. Pandit Rajmani says he did not feel any responsibility, as spiritual counselor to the women who had approached him for help, to investigate their complaints or question his guru. In retrospect, Megan says, she believes that Swami Rama was indifferent to the problems that his behavior might cause the Institute, but was using such scandals to purge it of anyone who questioned his authority. Himalayan Institute Online Our new online platform for community, courses, and content. Carolyn felt important, entitled to be there because she was one of his secretaries. Williams, however, did not sue Nuernberger himself; she sued the clinic where he worked, alleging that the clinic "knew or should have known" that Nuernberger was engaging in harmful sexual activity while treating her. The teachings contained in the sacred texts cannot play any meaningful part in judging who is a good guru and who is not: "How could they? She would live with him in the house he was buying. Expert wellness consultations direct to your home. Even so, it was a blow to find out that she wasn't particularly special: Swami Rama apparently had other "spiritual courtesans." When Swami Rama returned from India two months later, Carolyn resumed working as his appointments secretary during the day, and, she says, as his sexual servant on some nights. He also sent out a letter resigning from the board. He promised her he'd set up a complete, personalized yoga program for her there-a prescribed diet, special yoga postures and meditation practices-as well as a game plan for her higher education and future career. A producer for "60 Minutes" was reportedly unable to complete her documentary on Swami Rama when the women involved backed out and refused to appear on camera. Megan recalls that in one of her first encounters with Swami Rama, she watched as he humiliated a quiet, withdrawn woman resident. Himalayan Institute locations 3.6 Honesdale, PA Show all locations What's being discussed at Himalayan Institute? Maybe it's an honor that this great yogi asked me of all his students to serve him in this way. Residents staff the Institute's administration, bookstores, and other small businesses, including Himalayan Publishers and Distributors and an elementary school. Within a sect the guru's authority is often absolute: he rules from the pinnacle of the institutional hierarchy. Pandit Arya radiates calm as he speaks. But in 1980, they say, they returned to Honesdale after a brief vacation to learn that their friend Rose* had allegedly been sexually assaulted by Swami Rama during their absence and had fled the Institute for New York City. Similarly, a woman who had been repeatedly abused by Sri Swami Rama of The Himalayan Institute when she was 19 years old was awarded $1.9 million. As Rutter explains in his book, a sexual relationship between a man in a position of power-doctor, psychologist, mentor, or priest-and a woman who is dependent on him-as patient, student, client, or troubled soul-almost always involves an element of coercion and a betrayal of trust. Pandit Arya has many profound and beautiful things to say about his relationship to his guru when I interview him at the Divya Jyoti yoga center in Napa, California, in May 1989. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Houston's Christopher Burnett determines how bad the damage can be. Explore high-quality, unique, practice-enhancing products made for yogis everywhere. Wisdom must show itself in action and lovingness." A short time later, Swami Rama let her go as his secretary-because, she says he told her, she didn't really want the job. Rose spent the next six months moving from place to place, terrified that the Institute network would track her down. ", Pandit Arya is not so reluctant as Dr. Ballentine to articulate is how one can recognize a worthy guru. Brian says he felt betrayed, but the knowledge that Swami Rama had financially exploited him made it easier for the couple to cut their ties to the Institute. Ayurvedic treatments, massage therapy, chiropractic care, and integrative health services at PureRejuv Wellness Center. A guru has the wisdom of experience and the ancient teachings, so he can provide guidance, Dr. Ballantine says, but students should "judge every [practice] on the basis of your own experience." What a foolish woman! Instead, he told the other board members that he believed Rose, and that they should investigate the incident for themselves. Each of the women I interviewed described how he would discern her particular needs and self-doubts and manipulate her spiritual beliefs or naivet in order to exploit her sexually-he has an uncanny ability to suit his approach to each victim, they say. Each time the Institute's top professionals have been confronted with complaints that Swami Rama is abusing his position, institutional mechanisms of denial have come to the guru's aid. Our humanitarian projects serve impoverished communities through rural empowerment and environmental regeneration. But after they started saying all these things, I never trusted them anymore. Swami Rama called a meeting to defend himself. Carolyn says she spent years blaming herself and trying to rationalize away what she now regards as sexual abuse. Meanwhile, Swami Rama had appointed her as registrar of the graduate program, replacing a long-time woman disciple who was being kicked out of the Institute for no apparent reason. Such trickery is common in the legends about crazy saints, who aimed to teach their disciples that ultimately they had to surrender the illusion of external control. At the same time as he dismissed her, Swami Rama also gave her a Sanskrit name. If somehow Pandit Rajmani were forced to acknowledge that the women were telling the truth, would this shatter his faith in the guru? Relax, restore, and nourish yourself with a wellness retreat. But all of them, whether they appear here under a pseudonym or as a background source, understand that if this article provokes a libel suit they can be called to testify in court. And then he departed, accompanied not by Carolyn, as he had promised, but by another "gorgeous" devotee. Is it not better to follow someone who has charted the path?". But she says his attitude toward her underwent a dramatic change; he began to make her a target for his anger, issuing contradictory orders and then screaming at her for her incompetence in front of the other secretaries and disciples and gossiping about her behind her back. The man, she says, informed her of Swami Rama's long history of alleged sexual misconduct. After a bit, she was inclined to dismiss his behavior as a joke or a "test.". She was feeling so disgusted with her body and afraid of the guru's humiliating comments that one night she couldn't face going to his room, she says. He and Pandit Rajmani say that a guru is "that which dispels darkness." She recalls that he said they would become very close, their bodies would come together, and then they would part. Otherwise& there would be no need for this person to propagate this whole story.". The Himalayan Institute is a good a good model on how to do a resort perfect. We are happy to bring you a combination of Zoom, In-person, and Hybrid options. But as she spent more time around Swami Rama and his inner circle, Megan says, the guru subjected her to a barrage of sexual harassment. He would take her to the Orient-Japan and India. Friends of the two couples set up a "truth booth" outside the entrance of the Institute's first annual congress in 1976. She recalls that she blushed as she forced out the words: "I think you have been sleeping with other women." Mission Membership is an invitation to put your spiritual values into action by supporting our shared commitment to service while deepening your study and practice in the living Himalayan Tradition. Yet she is vulnerable to feeling re-victimized every time her experience is denied or distorted. They rarely had to do the menial chores performed by other residents; Brian was encouraged to study the sacred texts and write a book, while Terry got training as a Montessori teacher and started a school for the Institute's children. He reportedly smokes cigarettes, watches television for hours every day, and gossips, but his disciples rationalize this non-abstinent behavior: "Oh, Swamiji just smokes to bring himself down to the earth plane," or, "The TV is on incessantly just to give the student one more distraction to challenge his ability to maintain yogic balance," or, "all the stories Swamiji tells about other people are just to give the disciple the opportunity to develop objectivity and not get caught up in the meaningless gossip.". Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD, is the spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute and the successor of Swami Rama of the Himalayas. A Swami, or monk, is supposed to be "one who is master of oneself: senses, body, mind." "Anyone who lives a public life can go through such remarks;& you have heard about all that blackmailing" of famous, rich athletes, he explains to me in the spring of 1989 at the Honesdale ashram. Karen, the woman whose claims were ridiculed at the meeting where Swami Rama and the other directors responded to Brian's charges, was one of the first ex-members to confront top Institute administrators. Such a relationship, instead of giving the woman the healing or validation she seeks, reinforces her feeling that the only thing of value she has to offer a man with worldly power is her body. The Institute's "scientific" approach to yoga has made it a success, attracting long-term spiritual disciples as well as large numbers of people who merely want a boost for their psychological or physical well being. But the purified ego is a means in discriminating real Self from not-self-real Self from mere self. Given a mantra but little guidance, Carolyn dutifully performed her assigned practices, hoping that Swami Rama's "scientific" approach to yoga would eventually yield results. After a couple of months of this special attention, Carolyn says, Swami Rama came to visit her one-day at the book distribution office in Honesdale center. When she shared her news with the other residents at East West Books, they told her she should feel honored: She had been chosen, while long-time devotees had been denied the privilege. But Megan and Carolyn both say that Swami Rama would dismiss Pandit Rajmani and other members of the inner circle after an evening of socializing in Swami Rama's private quarters, while asking them alone to stay behind. Carolyn says she knew that Swami Rama often promised his disciples he would take them to India or appoint them to important positions within the Institute-promises that rarely materialized. Megan* started the Institute's graduate program in Eastern studies in the fall of 1982. He is supposed to have been raised by Sri Madhavananda Bharati in the sacred caves and monasteries of the Himalayan sages. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Marston's lawsuit, he says, was an act of revenge. Sexual abuse by yoga gurus is the exploitation of the position of trust occupied by a master of any branch of yoga for personal sexual pleasure. State licensing boards may take away a professional's license to practice if he (or she) is found guilty of "inappropriate sexual contact," which may include everything from verbal sexual innuendos to a long-term sexual liaison with a client or patient. Early the next morning, she says, he announced to her that she was going to leave; he never set up the promised program. In the spring of 1983, Swami Rama began to court her again, she says: He told her that she would help him prepare a book of sacred poetry he was writing, and he assured her repeatedly that he would take her to India the following autumn. The annual congress, held each June, offers a smorgasbord of lectures and "new age" workshops. By 1977, the Institute was able to purchase the Honesdale ashram, a former Catholic seminary in the rural Pocono Mountains, which now houses more than 100 residents and guests. Carolyn says she feigned shock and tried to mask her distress as Martha told about a woman at the Glenview center who was confused and distraught about her alleged sexual relationship with Swami Rama. Himalayan glaciers are melting twice as fast since 2000 as they were in the 25 years before due to human-caused climate change, a 2019 paper published in the journal Science Advances found. Sanctions on an institution can cause students to look elsewhere for higher education. You're bound to get mixed up. When they have contacted their friends and former colleagues at the Institute, they have been discounted as liars or labeled "emotionally disturbed." Most of the Institute's programs are open to the general public. On the contrary, they sought opportunities to serve the guru's every whim, or even to be abused by him: Megan remembers one woman saying she wished the guru would kick her. On one occasion, she says, Swami Rama ordered all the women disciples to weed out some roots around his new cabin, telling them they were rooting out their samskaras. At about the same time, Carolyn was accepted into the residential program at East West Books Chicago, the Institute's downtown branch. Many people, including the victims themselves, have trouble understanding how damaging such sexual contact can be, because the women are adults and no one is holding a gun to their heads. We partner with rural communities to provide health services, public libraries, and sustainable employment opportunities. HIT ranked 39 th under Best Hotel Management Colleges in All India by The Week 2022.; HIT ranked 23rd under Top Private Hotel Management Colleges in All India and 11 th in North Zone by The Week 2022.; HIT is ranked as one of the most preferred Hotel Management Colleges . Explore our integrative health services & therapeutic treatments to help restore your natural state of well-being. Back; 2022 Clean Water and Public Health Fund; Make a Donation; Blog; Search for: Log in . Carolyn and others say Megan caused a scandal in the Honesdale ashram by breaking the silence surrounding Swami Rama's sexual behavior. He says he spends most evenings with the guru until midnight or 2 a.m., and that he knows better than anyone who is with Swami Rama late at night and who isn't. Enrich your practice through the wisdom of the Himalayan Tradition, found in our online community and digital library, with new content added every week. A leader in the field of yoga, meditation, spirituality, and holistic health, the Himalayan Institute is a non-profit international organization dedicated to serving humanity through educational, spiritual, and humanitarian programs. HIT ranked under Top Commerce Colleges in All India by The Week 2022. But the publicity surrounding the Menninger Foundation experiments gained Swami Rama an enviable "scientific" credibility in the eyes of the general public. In a few months time she would handle his bank account, income taxes, everything. Then, later on, when the right man came along, she would marry and be very happy. That one gesture unleashed a storm of long-suppressed emotions. Ex-members say he also bends the rules and bestows privileges on his favorites, who may in turn enforce rules, which they do not follow. Study Online Education Advocacy When another married couple who were their friends and fellow students left the ashram suddenly, Karen wrote to them asking why. Swami Rama allegedly told her, the couple remembers, that if she screamed no one would hear her, and even if they heard, no one would believe her. This seemingly whimsical application of standards demoralized many of the ex-members I spoke with and led many to resent the members of Swami Rama's inner circle. There she learned Swami Rama's style of "super-conscious" meditation, which she describes as a basic, impersonal training in mental concentration. Burnett is a postdoctoral fellow in Houston's department of education leadership and . But the University of Scranton didn't offer a degree program in Carolyn's area of study, so she saw a way to rationalize leaving the Institute while still saving face; she could still be considered a good disciple if she cold get the guru's blessing to go away to college. Irwin Schneider, the lawyer for the Himalayan Institute, conceded that it was morally wrong for the Swami Rama to have sex with the woman from North Carolina, a 19-year-old student at the time she said the assaults occurred. My initial experience with yoga in the 1990's at the Himalayan Institute of Buffalo led me to making a radical shift in lifestyle and moving to the Institute's educational headquarters in Honesdale, P.A. Or maybe he needs to have sex just to release energy so he can meditate better. Megan went through a brief but painful and confusing time during which she doubted her own feelings and perceptions. As the couple started making arrangements to move to England, they received another blow. In such a situation, she says, the whole system becomes sick and no one can see the light: "There's no truth allowed; it's a no-talk rule.". Himalayan Institute Online Our new online platform for community, courses, and content. Meanwhile, Carolyn says, Swami Rama began singling her out for special attention. Since 1972, Himalayan Institute Excursions have offered purpose-driven journeys to discover the fulfillment your soul is seeking. "By their fruits you shall know them," he says, paraphrasing the Bible. Allegations of sexual abuse by Swami Rama have followed on the heels of the Institute's success like a shadow. Women wrote statements, which said they would become very close, their would... Because she was inclined to dismiss his behavior as a joke or a blessing from the pinnacle the. Smorgasbord of lectures and `` new age '' workshops taxes, everything that there is a,! And achieve optimum health and healing Search for: Log in public libraries and... Instead, he told the jury that evidence indicated the relationship was consensual this time had... Shall himalayan institute scandal them, '' he says, she was one of his secretaries very close, their bodies come. 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