baby rejecting mom after going back to work

My worry is that this will impact on our long term relationship and I can just imagine the teenage years! Im totally on the same boat as all of you(s)! The internet has slammed an expectant mom after she rejected a handmade gift at her baby shower. she seems like she is more confrted by grandma then me/momand it cant be because grandma is around her more because dad is around her less then i am and she does the same thing with dad as she does with grandma.she seems conferted by them and not is it possible, she thinks grandma is mom??? A lot of the time she sees were together and she wants to grab him and it pisses me of and if i say no or get upset she says he wants to come with me and she acts like Im making it a big deal we live in her house so she is around 24/7 so i try 2 get out but even if were gone all day as soon as he sees her he wants her or if i try 2 get him from her he doesnt wanna come 2 me..i think he thinks she is his mother she took him away from me so much he bonded more with her and i think that was her plan. Third, it gives you a possibility to do something else than taking care of your daughter. Reclaim your motherhood of your child. (, the milestones of a 1 month old baby here, 7-Month-Old Baby Sensitive To Loud Sounds Reasons & Remedies, My 1 Year 3 Month Baby Cant Talk or Walk? Dont worry. It did not used to be this way she used to be very attached to me. If she spends the most time with grandma, it is very possible that she feels th most secure with her touch and smell right now. Warming the nipple (just run it under warm water) may help, too. Some things you can try to reconnect faster are to: Laugh together! baby rejecting mom after going back to workbusiness memo examples. I have never been away from her for more than 2 hours before this and now she doesnt even care to see me. !<3 n Yes no matter how they are with you, you love them soooooo much without something in return! My son is 9 months old and , Ive always taken care of him feed, everything he needs Ive been by his side since we left the hospital, now that I moved to another state he doesnt call me momma anymore he calls it to his grandma he just doesnt seem to need me anymore . Some moms return to work just a few weeks after having a baby, while others take up to a year (or longer) of maternity leave. You can implement routines that only you and your daughter do together, such as an evening bath and bedtime story (if that is something your daughter enjoys). Take her outside! Also to say daily a positive affirmation like am a good mother especially when your child looks away instead of going to cry go to the bathroom and say it front of the mirror!!! But some times when he dropes food on the ground i yell but not straight at him i just yell for a second and then try to controle my self ,is that the reason or there is somthing else . My son has done this to me ever since he was about 4 months old. Any idiot can get pregnant but being a loving mother is something entirely different. But if we can handle it as adults, and give our children both love and space no matter what, I am certain that our long-term relationship AND bother their and our personal development will benefit. What can I do? Paula, its hard to be a parent but it is very important. i feel like he doesnt want me home and i know its bad to say but i dont even look forward to coming home anymore? She is my first child and she is the most pleasant little thing ever so I dont understand why she doesnt all of the sudden not want nothing to do with me. I have to admit that I was very impressed by his childcare skills. Im a Dad, I work full time and Im home by 6pm most evenings. The more you as her mom can help her both with attachment as a young toddler, but as a child growing more aware of her history, the emotions and questions it raises, the more you can help your daughter grow up as a happy, confident child. However, my daughter seems to want nothing to do with me. Paula, Stay At Home Mom Rejected By Baby She didnt when she newborn and she doesnt now. But when I worked at being breezy, he seemed to want to be around me again. Just today, my mom was over and when she left, my son just wailed. I totally understand that you are thinking about another job, and maybe that isnt such a bad idea over time But until then or if you choose not to, there are a few things you can do. Not that I know who to be cross with anyway.Ive confided in my husband, who looks genuinely sorry for me and even feels a little guilty that he is on the receiving end of all this affection and love. It just breaks my heart that my own parents seem to have taken my place. Its a heartbreaking situation for which I cannot give an explanation When I go to pick up my baby from my in-laws, on one side I am looking forward to picking him up and see my baby but then I am always reluctant to open that door and find that he does not even have a smile for me and be faced with another big disappointment. And I was the one at home. I hope you've enjoyed today's post! And being the preferred parent often mean bouts of guilt (like you feel), exhaustion (because you never get to rest) and trying to be supportive to the other parent. And you know what? My mom realizes and tries to reduce it a little, but to no avail. I am the one who wants to take her to the class, playground and other fun places. I work five days a week and he is looked after by my mother in law during the day. Face the baby outward in the baby carrier where she can see and become distracted. And if your having trouble bonding with your child, and he/she is old enough to understand then sit them down and explain you are their mom and you love them, hug them, play with them and be involved with them on how you feel. He even prefers strangers arms over mine sometimes, like my gardener or one time the carpet cleaning guy. This is NOT just a phase. I hope its just a phase. wont she not even a day look out for me. Dont blame them and pick a time to talk to them when you can do it without being disturbed. Not only are you dealing with the guilt you feel about leaving your baby to return to the daily grind, but there are also those nagging thoughts constantly swimming through your mind about being able to handle the transition back to the office. Lessons to Learn From the Above Quote. I think for young babies, being reminded of the other parent can be too painful to endure. It hurts me so much inside and i dont know what to do. If you're going to continue pumping, have a plan in place. Thankfully he still paid her Iphone, so while she decided to turn it on (of course she couldnt be without it) we were able to track her location and after a month and another court order we got her back with us 100% full custody. You may think shes trying hard to not like you, but it is that phase of life where they seem to be reacting differently. Sometimes I just want to give up and let her be. If you are off balance, she might notice and you thereby reinforce the rejection. I think she hates me because of my low moments and it hurts me that I cant take them back. Feeling rejected and unloved from my only daughter is really sad and depressing. Here are five ways you can get ready to go back to work. You are and always will be their only mother. I felt so upset, My 18 month baby boy really likes his dad than me. Its absolutely heartbreaking to me. I came every 3 hours for every feeding after i was released from the hospital, MUCH more than the parents of the other infants, even the nurses would comment how good my baby was doing, due to my presence and nurturing. So in the meantime we are trying to get her to talk to her on the phone, but the kid doesnt want to. Consider using an Supplemental Nursing System to supplement. Crying is normal but the baby will adjust: "Sorry to hear about what's going on, but we've all been there in some way or another, so you're not alone. The answer is yes, although breastfeeding after returning to work is definitely trickier in some situations. I am just saying that even the most reasonable people some times do extremely stupid things in separations. Hi all i am the farther to my 15 month old son & he is a loving child at home but as soon has we go to his Nana & granddads house he doesnt want to no me. I started wearing lavender lotion every time i saw her, trying in some way to create a bond. In the final weeks of your maternity leave, try to find some time to get out on your own for a few hours. It does feel like all I am used for is food and diaper change. She is hungry, keep crying and screaming her lung out and looking for my breast. I am not defending what the babys mom did. First of all, there is no such thing as permanently damaging the bond with a baby that early. I feel rejected by my man, I have asked many times why? So the estrangement between the two of you became mutual. It ws daddy that can sooth her cries, it ws daddy that could make her listen 2 mummys encouragement. Am still have to learn to connect and bond and to feel when he is hungry or tiered or board. I have 7 month old baby girl and she is not at all attached to me. She is the GRANDmother, not the mother. It breaks my heart Ive cried many times!! Introduce the bottle to your baby at least three weeks before your start date, slowly adding more pumped-milk feedings. when were alone its great but as soon as he sees her he acts like thats his mom. I know you'll be great. If you are dreading going back to work at the end of maternity leave or, indeed, know anyone going through the same who might get a little kick out of this . Be proud of the fact that you are doing such a good job of making your daughter take you for granted that is exactly what a baby needs; to always know in her heart that mom is there for her no matter what. Being parent to a toddler gives us fantastic opportunities to develop our creativity! My partner is financially tied to a mortguage with his ex wife so I have to support myself and will have to go back to work. The child speaks to everyone on the phone but once she hears its her mother she goes hysterical. Pump or hand express your milk. I jokingly say she sees me as the grim reaper of sleep, but I think its true, and it really hurts. thank you to anonymous who wrote most recently saying that it has gotten better. He always trying to get daddys attention instead. Ive made the comment to my husband on several occasions, but now that my daughter is 3 and expresses herself verbally it is really affecting me. It did break my heart. You can also make sure your baby finishes one breast before . I made a point to kiss him and cheerfully say things like Oh, you want to play with Dadda? She does not have any memories of you crying and even if she did, she wouldnt hate you for it. Well, its not grumpy, its nore her screaming like Ive thrown her on the floor! Im ready to walk but want to be there for my children & my girlfriend is due again in December with another little boy. We should all hold our heads up with pride at what AWESOME mothers and fathers we are, how dearly we love our children. Never has. Which makes me feel guilty that he feels guilty. We have great fun when its just the two of us, playing and laughing. Im a very good mom, so why doesnt she see that? Childcare is unaffordable or unavailable, and in a survey by McKinsey & Company, 34% of mothers cited childcare concerns as . I might as well try to change my perception of what is happening. Focus on love and fun! Im going to perservere and not let her see that she can control me in this way. it is even worse when people keep saying that she only starts screaming and crying whenever i am home and that she is a superbly happy baby when i am at work. However, since you have only been her mother for 1 week and a half, it is too early to start worrying about the bonding going wrong. However, this is a normal reaction and the situation is far from hopeless. I just want to know what I am doing wrong, so I can change it. Now Im really regretting leaving him and my husband keeps telling me to quit acting silly and acts unsympathetic toward how Im feeling. I just want to know what is going on with my child and why she is acting out like this. It broke my heart. I hate the feeling of being rejected by my only child to the point where I dont even want her. I have an 8 month old daughter. Babies react in different ways when mom (or dad) suddenly starts working. A few months ago my fiance lost her job and is at home 24/7. Those five weeks where he preferred his daddy over me where the hardest things Ive had to face since becoming a mum. But the bond has never come (she is 5 now) I find it hard to love her, probs have more to do with me because I got pregnant again and sort of gave up on her im sorry to say, when my son was born he loved me the best and always wanted me, and she rejected me over and over. It is not uncommon that a baby has periods of preferring one parent over the other, but it can be a bit of tabu and maybe something that people avoid talking about as if the rejected parent is doing something wrong. Toddler Milestones. But now my loving daugher has became a real little terror. That is not to say that you dont have a real problem. Hello- Im the mother who wrote when my son was 9 mos and again at 12 mos. He just screams in my arms. If you can accept that OK, right now she prefers her dad, but that doesnt mean that I am bad or that she hates me. She rather suck her thumb than sucking the bottle. I just want it with me too. I have been in a relationship with his father for 13 years and we have a terrible physical relationship. my in-laws dun understand wen i tells them. she sees her dad may be once or twice a months. He will be picked up and carried around for the smallest incident. From all the comments that I read, we all seem to have one more thing in common, we all show our love & affection to our babies so they definitely know they are loved.. read about this website and how it all started here. For many adopted children, it certainly IS different t be adopted. The bond is there, and you obviously love her very much. But lately, she has just got more & more attached to daddy.and doesnt want me to hold her to sleep at night. I KNOW your baby loves you. There are many ways to start bonding with an older baby, like your daughter. Anyway, Im not writing to give a full update on my situation but instead I wish to respond to your posts. I encourage you, because Ive been there, to seek help if youre struggling with depression. In the long run, I really hope that your boyfriend and your step-daughters mom will find a way to co-operate nothing will be more healing for the baby than that. Your mother is totally taking over and you need to talk to her and if she wont listen then talk to a family member and ask if they can have a word with her with you. She seems to have the same behavior with my wife too. Treat breastfeeding like dessert and offer the breast after your baby has had a bottle. There isnt anything I wouldnt do for her. I dont know how to explain this to him, I just wanted to say, its not my problembut on the other hand, i dont KNOW what the problem is either! I have stopped taking leaves when my baby falls sick because my MIL is all that she needs and all that I end up doing is washing the diapers and cleaning the house,cooking. youre missing out, and so is your baby. Ive seen couples fist fighting, calling the police, threatening to take the children and you name it. Anybody who has been the same boat please help in trying to mend things and get my kid to like us both equally. Thank you so much for your reply. And stop relying on your son showing his affection in any specific ways for you to feel loved and valuable. In all honestly, she did take a bottle eventually. One explanation to why your daughters reaction is so strong might be that 9 months is a sensitive age. Its the school holidays now and its like even though im spending more time with him, there are times he prefers his grandma. So who knows, within a month, you might be carrying a whining little daughter all day long. In other words, the more gloomy, sad and disengaged you are, the more attracted your children are to their father and his new girlfriend (this also would be absolutely unbearable to me, so all my strength is with you on this). me and my partner were separated for awhile while i gave birth and then 7 months after that could she be missing my parents who are in a other country or is it something else. thank you for writing tips on coping. We have not been physical with each other for 5 years, actually it only happened the once and I got pregnant. It is good to know you are not the only one it is a hard thing to talk to anyone about so great to have a place to come and be honest with your feelings ..thank you. i am so depressed most the time i am really starting to feel like he hates me. It really upsets me because her dad or greatgrandmother can get her when she starts doing this to me and she is fine. She's 9 weeks and we started introducing at 4 weeks. But i continued being there for her. I am a social worker and therefore I know all about attachment patterns and I just cant work this one out. After all, during their first twelve months babies still physically need mother's milk. You sound like you are in very bad emotional shape. The kid has been with us for 5 months and is super happy but Im not sure if she should see her mother just yet with the reaction she has with just hearing her voice. "Be gentle with yourself, moms! Im in a bit of a no win situation here, I am expecting my first child with my partner, he has a daughter by a previous marriage , my job requires me to work out of the country for 4 weeks then I get 4 weeks off at home and so on. Can someone give me a lil advice to help me. 11. I dont know what to do. What am I doing wrong? I hate that she calls my mom mama im nothing to her its breaking my heart please someone help me. When she is scared or hurt she wont even allow me to go near her she calls for my mom. In ramping up to retuning to work after a parental leave . What he really needs might be to have more fun and more time with his dad. Can I give you a challenge? And yes, I think that would be great for many reasons. Dear mom, do you think that you might be suffering from a postpartum depression? Because my Mom lives with me and is ALWAYS there, there is no line between day time care and home. I am in love with my son but I am starting to get severely depressed, spent most of today sporadically crying and avoiding contact with him jus to keep him happy I feel like the house is happier when I am not seen or heard and I am so sad I try not to let him see it but I have gone weeks now where he doesnt want to look at me or talk or play with me. You are great mother, try to relax and just love your little independent son. please help me ,because i feel that my son hates me and that destroy me . We now understand that this is just a phase and will follow through on your suggestions, Well i am very upset these days my problem is when i use to come back from home my baby didnt comes to me he goes to everyones hand except me i use to cry at night daily of this reason i have fear that he will forget me forever and the attachment will not develop between me and with my baby in 24 hrs he use to come in my hand for only 1 hr.Will my baby forgets me forever or will not i use to wait daily for him at office to meet him as soon as possible but he doesnt gives any reaction to me when i come to home,i am very tensed please give solid solution as he is closed to his grandma and with my brother-in-law. There is simply no replacement for a mother, period. Your mom can also try to stir up some excitement around you coming home from school; looking out of the window with your daughter here comes Mommy! sometimes I sit and think i should just give her to her father. He even says lots of words including daddy, bruh bruh for his brother, nana, papa, juice, more, he even says my niece and nephews names, Michael and Mattie, but he has never said momma! it has been like this for over a year now & i now just resent them. she doesnt want him to hold her or talk to him. thanks, I have a year son who is doing that also- I have always worked 2 days a week, but even when I am home with him, he is cranky and loves anyone else rather than me, especially his daddy and grandma- Its tearing me up! But as soon as Daddy is home, I really become part of the furniture. Seventy-five percent of the women Brody surveyed said they wished they had been able to take a longer maternity leave. Im pretty much the disciplinarian.. could that be the reason? Or maybe you will visit your baby at their child care provider during your lunch break and breastfeed. Being the not preferred parent means you really get a chance to practice on not taking the rejection personally. I play with him when all I want to do watch TV or take some time to myself. Sure, we would have had playdates and gone out into the world, but at 6 months, this kid already has friends. And be there when they come back. Im going back to work next month so I started bottle fed baby at 2.5 mo 3 weeks ago. You dont have to agree on everything, but some general principles would probably be very helpful. by Margaret e Jacobsen. As you say, youre the one who has been there for her all her life and still is in many ways, and now youre suddenly gone much more. A massage, a warm bath, movie night with your partner: a little downtime goes a long way. Still, for those of us who are lucky enough to have companies that offer small amounts of paid maternity leave, it's still much shorter than most other countries and often ends far before mom and baby are ready. I feel your pain. I get up with him in the middle of the night when Im so tired I could die. I take care of her so nicely and to the best of efforts but she doesnt like me. This way, your daughter will get much more time close to you. I thought I was a good mother and doing everything for my son (bathing, feeding, changing, nursed till he was 12 mos). I work full time and my one-year-old goes to daycare 3 days per week and stays at home with her dad 2 days per week. She doesnt come when i call out to her. thanks again! Reading all the comments I dont need to help but what I did come to the conclusion is to learn to LOVE unconditionally. It is not strange at all that dad is exciting when he appears now and then and it might also be quite natural that she is happy about seeing grandma who she right now spends so much time with. If he is upset, he wants his daddy to comfort him, not me. Or board and become distracted like this you really get a chance to on., to seek help if youre struggling with depression im a very good,! 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