7 african gods and goddesses

Shango will brings justice via lightning and he protects his followers from evil. This is the list of orisha youll find more information below: Obatala; Shango; Ogun; Ochossi; Ossain; Eshu; Omulu; Oshumare; Yemaya; Oshun; Oya; Nana. I recently lost that job as this was only a month ago. How does Santeria differ from Yoruba religious practice? When it comes to the Yoruba people, Oshun is the one most commonly referred to as the Goddess of Rivers, but besides this she is also often times known as the Lifeblood of the Niger River and the mother of all rivers. Thank you for this article and my help you could give. I believe that your dream was a sign. I am a little somewhat afraid to just start all out practicing Voodoo & calling out to the Orishas, but I realize that its partly because of the demonization of white oppressors. Known as the sweetest god for their compassion towards humans, Obatala is considered the ''Child of God'' due to their father being the powerful Olorun. I just know its enate of my ancestral DNA and mixed with many racial ethnicities due to slavery and genocide. WebAfrican Myths and Egyptian Gods: A Captivating Guide to African Mythology and Gods of Ancient Egypt (World Mythologies) Part of: World Mythologies (7 books) | by Matt Clayton At the same time, we can assure you that if you do end up doing your own homework, youll find more than a handful of customs and traditions that you yourself may start adoring just as much as we do. Never invoke her and Yemaya or Oshun together (the only exception is when invoking the 7 African Powers!). African mythology, in general, stretches over a vast array of gods and goddesses. She is crowned the Queen of the river Niger. Officially, African gods and belief systems have been replaced by Islam and Christianity over the past century according to statistics (90%), but it is often an WebBuy Wicca Magical Deities: A Complete Guide to Wicca Magical Deities Goddesses, Gods, Pantheons, Working and Connecting With Deities, Rituals, Spellcasting, and More by Blackwood, Selene (ISBN: 9798378509256) from Amazon's Book Store. Web[1] [2] North Africa Berber mythology Egyptian deities Guanche deities Osiris, lord of the dead. Instead, he has solidified his position as a messenger between the realm of spirits and humankind, not unlike the Greek god Hermes.. Greetings! Havent really left Hebrewism as Im tribe of Dan. Perhaps he knew variety is necessary for human evolution! According to the Kuba people, Bumba vomited into the universe and produced the sun which dried up the water on Earth creating land. I was frightened when the baby started crawling up my body, but the guide told me to not be afraid and the Orisha god transformed into a small kitten and lay next to me which calmed me down. Ive been Christian and Hebrew. According to legend, Magec was captured by Guayota and held prisoner inside the Teide volcano. She was the one that taught the Yoruba people how to create potions and heal through herbs alone, and whenever you do go hunting you need to give her an offering so she allows you to have a safe passage through her realm. 106 lessons. Oba is the Yoruba goddess of the river. Besides shifting the clouds, Oya is also connected to tending to the dead. A patriarchal spirit, he watches over children and families and is one of the most venerated Orishas in the African diaspora. WebPeruse through a list of baby names inspired by African gods and goddesses that have deep meaning and cultural roots. WebMami Wata continues to be an important part of African mythology today, representing the power of the natural world and the mysteries that lie beneath its surface. She is said to be motherly and strong willed, while also being very good at curing infertility in women. While it is nowhere near as popular as the Norse or Greek mythologies, African mythology can be just as fun to research if you have the time and passion to do so. Her Slavic god counterpart in Slavic mythology would be Stribog. African mythology has hundreds if not thousands of other gods and goddesses that we have yet to mention in this article alone. The other gods and Ogun noticed that humans needed to clear more land to build and expand. They are rivals. George Bancroft & 19th Century Historiography in the U.S. Dunning School's Approach to the U.S. Civil War & the Lost Cause, Historical Application: The Civil War & 19th Century Historiography, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Hera, queen of the gods, prominently wields her scepter, while Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and sensuality, holds the just-presented wreath of victory. In general, most African religions believe in one main god who is the creator of the world, although his/her name and backstory can vary. Yesterday I learned Oya likes chocolate. The ones in the article are just the most popular, and sought after. Anyhoot, I started immersing myself in Nigerian culture, 1st with the Nollywood movies and the AfroBeats music and eventually with some of the food. African Mythical Creatures Folklore & Examples | What are African Mythical Creatures? Olokun ("Owner of Oceans") is a God of the Sea. Carve or write the names of the 7 African Powers on the candle and dress it in an oil of your choice. The two walk together as their thunderstorms destroy everything in sight. Obaluaye is also connected to rituals that promote the cure for illnesses. It is believed that at one point in time, Olodumare was close to Earth. Being able to prevent death from happening simply means that it was not their time to go yet, and if you can do that you need to thank Obaluaye because they were the ones that gave you the answers you needed when you searched for a way to heal them. The Alaafin was the head of one of the largest Yoruba states. Most of the times she is actually showcased as a beautiful and coquettish young lady, and her name specifically translates to sweetness, joy, beauty and good times. Eshu is commonly known among the Yoruba people of Nigeria as the trickster god who serves as a messenger between heaven and earth. He is closely associated with Oya (Deity of the Winds) and Egungun (Collective Ancestral Spirits). According to some Irish myths, Clodhna was the most beautiful woman on earth and a goddess of love and beauty. Bumba vomited two more times, creating the moon and night and nine animals. Area of Influence: It goes as far back as the 9th century, way before the first Europeans set sail on the countrys shores. I really appreciate how your broke it down to where it help me understand. One day at work, I broke down. As a result, African mythology stretches across nearly all African cultures. How can I protect myself from this. Orisha Obatala Orisha Obatala is also known as Oshala, Orishanla, and Oshaluf. They say Ogun isnt just a spirit of iron, that he is iron. How old is the United States of America? He is known as the Giver of Iron or the Warrior God of War for many. Although Eshu serves Ifa, the chief god, in some myths, Eshu often plays tricks on Ifa with one being tricking Ifa out of the secrets of divination and another telling a story of Eshu stealing a yam from the high god. It is said that Bumba vomited the universe during its inception, creating the sun then drying up the water on Earth creating the land. Although they are a minor orisha, Aje Shaluga has a vast following as they are associated with happiness and joy, stability, prosperity, and spiritual wealth. African god of fertility Ala - She is the most respected god in Igboland. While modern people look at the roar of the thunder and they dont think much of it, back in ancient times, this thunder would have been a sign that the gods wrath was coming down from the heavens, punishing the pagans that took the gods name in vain. Oba fell to Earth down below and morphed into the Oba river. To link to this article in the text of an online publication, please use this URL: https://historycooperative.org/african-gods-and-goddesses/. I am looking for new books on the subject. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. It is a fantastic place to start taking in the sheer size of the beliefs of the ancient civilizations living on such a diverse continent. Can a deceased sibling still be spoken with if you put up a alter for them in the form of an ancestor?? Magec ("possesses radiance") is a God of the Sun and the light. Athena, the Greek Goddess of War, Wisdom, and Handicraft, is the most famous wisdom goddess from classic mythology. Judika Iles warns in her Encyclopedia of Spirits, that if youre bleeding in any form to NEVER approach Ogun. Whichever way she is depicted, she is always shown to be a motherly being with nothing but divine power at her fingertips. Other myths tell us the Clodhna is often called the Fairy Queen of southwest Munster. 1. I dont even think I want to know which one has my head. So I follow a lot of people practicing spirituality / Orisha but Ive only passed their descriptions briefly out of interest. The answer will reveal itself. 4th: Obatala. Obatala does not identify as male or female. The Great Mother and protects motherhood as well as female sexuality. Although there are countless Orishnas, twelve stand out for their role in Yoruba mythology. Hence, she is much revered and respected. I drive Uber sometimes & usually play West African AfroBeats music while driving. Free shipping. Norse goddesses are a formidable crew with powers that rival their male counterparts. Eshu, also commonly referred to as Elegba, is the Trickster god of the Pantheon. You may choose to work with individual Orishas OR learn how to invoke the Seven African Powers together at the end of this article! She may have also been the patron of County Cork. in Counseling and Student Development with a graduate certificate in Social Justice Education from Kansas State University. That is because there are so many wondrous, crazy and fantastic stories that you can hear coming from the tribes here, stories that you wont be able to find anywhere else around the globe. Some recollections tell us that there are as many as 700, 900 or even 1,440 Orishas around. Lets take a look at each of the Seven African Powers, their qualities, and the saints they were syncretized with. This is an ode to Oguns double-edged sword, representing two sides of justice. Mythical figures are used to explain the creation of the world, life after death, and the continent's very own history. While there is no actual official number of gods that can be found in this pantheon though, there is an interesting notion around it which states that there are 400+1 Orishas around. The nine animals produced more species to live on Earth, and eventually, humans came into creation. Freyja is the most well-known goddess in Norse mythology and in many ways rivals Odin in power. in my opinion think its a great idea to learn a lot about orishas and the practice before taking further steps . I feel that I closely identify with Oshun. If you wish to give Aj Shaluga an offering, all you need to do is you need to grab a handful of fresh fruit, pigeons, necklaces made out of coins and shells and flowers and you need to leave them at one of their altars. His healing powers range from epidemics to skin diseases and inflammations. I presented it along with incense for her. I looked at my daughter and laughed. 3. Olokun - God of the Sea. I have been plagued with many battles spiritually from money issues to lack of employment, business not doing well, sickness, blocked paths to business ventures, money not staying in my hands etc. Wash with their soap to start your day out right AND to cleanse any negative energy or bad magic from your aura. Im so proud of you. She is the goddess of fertility, morality, creativity and land, and she is often times seen next to Amadioha, her husband and the God of the Sky. Having received the secret of iron, Ogun shared the secret with the other gods and humans. Some examples of his manifestations are Air, Agodo, Afonja, Obomin, and Lub. The History of Guns, Greek Mythology: Stories, Characters, Gods, and Culture, Aztec Mythology: Important Stories and Characters, Greek Gods and Goddesses: Family Tree and Fun Facts, Roman Gods and Goddesses: The Names and Stories of 29 Ancient Roman Gods, Olodumare and his Journey Away from Earth, The Trojan War: Ancient Historys Famed Conflict, iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order, US History Timeline: The Dates of Americas Journey, Ancient Civilizations Timeline: 16 Oldest Known Cultures From Around The World, Why Are Hot Dogs Called Hot Dogs? An error occurred trying to load this video. While some are capable of being killed, many are immortal. Do some research on your own to find out how Santeria works. In this article, we will be looking at the traditional beliefs of the Yoruba people, a West African ethnic group with a brimming crucible of history to their name. You are faithful In your journey. I love the statue and Im a big believer but I dont want to disrespect ogun and chango being in the same statue and space. Neffertia has 5 years of experience tutoring middle school to college-aged students in reading and essay writing, working as a writing coach, and instructing student success courses. I would always call her mama.. she felt more of a mother to me than my own. The belief in reincarnation is linked to ideas from their ancestors. Ala is a goddess in Igbo mythology from eastern Nigeria. The ''Yemaya'' iteration of Yemonja's name was creolized in Cuba. This is why you will often times find Yoruba people named after their departed parents or grandparents in case they look alike. This power is often connected to dances conveying threatening gestures in rituals dedicated to this thunderous deity. It should go without saying that if you plan to invoke and work with the Seven African Powers for healing, abundance, fertility, etc. yes i feel its because the ones that are promoted in each country, This gods are from my country. He is often noted as being the master behind shaping every child when they are within the womb. I was trying to find out more, and then stopped. While this Orisha is not one of the most popular or powerful gods around, Aj Shaluga still has a decent following due to them being associated with happiness, stability and spiritual wealth. Eshu, otherwise known as Elegba, is the Trickster of the Orisha Pantheon. Hi Im Veronica I am a new beginning of this seven African power and I would like to learn more about it please guide me through it and teach me every word of it please I need it money home living and others so help me with this thank you. Western rules have made them hidden here too and we have to come back in touch with them, Am learning soot was helpful to me Bumba himself however is represented as a giant white-colored humanoid creature. Pinterest In African Mythology, the Yoruba people very well received the notion of an omnipotent sky god looking over all things that live on Earth. Interestingly enough, Obatala was never actually stated as being a male or a female god, they are pretty much androgynous. Discover the various gods and goddesses of West African mythology. The Lord of the Heavens was not always this distant from the planet riddled with human beings. Ive found a few 7 African Powers candles at Walmart in the candle aisle for a dollar a piece. This defense was a top priority in a hostile place like West Africa. Find three similarities and write a paragraph explaining the relationships between the different religions. After his death, he was deified as an orisha. They are described as androgynous. succeed. Being the third and the most senior wife of Shango, Oba was one of his consorts. Being abundant in the region, iron was a vital resource. These deities and orishas are some of the most powerful and well-respected among the different cultural groups. Aja is actually the Goddess of the Forest and all of the animals that live within it. 15 African Gods and Goddesses You Should Know. If you try to dwell on it too much, you will lose the message that is trying to be sent to you. Write a short story retelling the myth in your own words. The Yoruba religion and its beliefs influence human life in both the African continent and other regions. The white cowrie-shell covering of the ile ori also alludes to the white-feathered bird called eiye ororo, the symbol of I grew up in a christian church and I am at an age where I have decided to embark on my journey to learn and explore spirituality as my ancestors did prior to being brought over to America. 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